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Contracts Frustration Insurance

Three Types Of Insurance For Exporters: What You Need To Know

As an exporter, you know how important it is to protect your business. Whether you're concerned about differing laws overseas or simply unsure of a new company you're entering into a contract with, having solid insurance contracts for your exporting business is a key part of being able to move your business forward. At Prudence Insurance Brokers LLC, we're here to provide you with contracts frustration insurance, preshipment risks insurance, foreign investments insurance, unfunded risk participation credit insurance, and other insurance products for your business needs.

In today's difficult economic climate, it's more important than ever that you protect your business and your employees. Let's take a look at some of the key insurance types for exporters.


  1. Contracts frustration insurance - Also known as public buyer default insurance, contracts frustration insurance protects your exports against non-delivery, pre-shipment, and post-shipment risks. As any exporter knows, there are plenty of things that can go wrong before and after the shipping process. When you have contract frustration insurance, you'll know that your products are insured and protected, even when you can't be there to oversee the shipping process. If you're a purchaser, having this type of insurance can protect you from being responsible for damages during the unloading process.

  2. Preshipment risks insurance - As an exporter, you know how much time and effort you put into preparing shipments. In the event that a political risk or commercial risk stops you from being able to export your shipment, you'll be able to recoup your costs if production needs to cease. This means that you're able to work to meet your shipping deadlines without having to worry about whether your shipment will be cancelled due to a political or commercial event.

  3. Foreign investments insurance - When you make foreign investments, you're taking a risk. It's impossible to predict how political climates will change, or whether currency will become inconvertible. With foreign investments insurance, you're protecting yourself and your investments, ensuring that you'll be able to recoup your investment no matter what happens politically or commercially.

No matter what type of business you're in, Prudence Insurance Brokers LLC is here to help you with all of your business insurance needs. We'd love to talk with you about how we can help you keep your business safe, no matter how the economic climate changes in the coming years. Whether you're looking for unfunded risk participation credit insurance, contracts frustration insurance, preshipment risks insurance, foreign investments insurance, or another type of insurance, we're on your side here to help. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help your business safely grow.

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